Tica's Viz Blog

2017-18 NBA Season- The rising of 76ers

76ers win-loss record in 2017-18 season

76ers win-loss record in 2017-18 season

After missing playoffs for the past 5 years, Philadelphia 76ers underwent a dark era with very poor game records. However, the process of reconstructing the team went pretty well with the power of basketball analytics. The season of 2017-18 was the come back of the Sixers after half-decade, and they got 52 wins.

Hovering over each team icon will show individual team’s game record. 76ers even won rocket in one epic game.

Hovering over each team icon will show individual team’s game record. 76ers even won rocket in one epic game.

I was lucky to work at 76ers basketball analytic team during this splendid season, so I designed this game record visualization to represent this great year.

It’s made with Tableau and you can interact with it on tableau public-https://public.tableau.com/profile/tica.lin6894#!/vizhome/2017-1876ersRecord/Dashboard1

Tica Lindataviz, tableau, NBA, Basketball